Carpets for pet-friendly homes

Carpets for pet-friendly homes

At Custom Floor Solutions, a family-run flooring store with a showroom in Harrisburg, NC, we understand the love and joy that pets bring to our lives. However, we also know that furry friends can sometimes wreak havoc on our homes, especially when it comes to our floors. That's why we are dedicated to providing the best protection against pets while maintaining style and comfort in your living spaces. In this blog post, we'll explore contemporary carpets that are perfect for pet-friendly homes, ensuring both durability and aesthetic appeal.

  1. The Pet-Friendly Carpet Advantage
Choosing the right carpet for a pet-friendly home can make all the difference. Pet-friendly carpets are designed to withstand the unique challenges posed by dogs and cats, such as stains, odors, and wear and tear. At Custom Floor Solutions, we offer a wide range of contemporary carpets that provide exceptional protection against pets, keeping your floors looking beautiful for years to come.

  1. Stain-Resistant Carpets
One of the most common concerns for pet owners is dealing with stains from accidents or spilled food and drinks. Our stain-resistant carpets are specially engineered to repel liquids and prevent stains from setting in. This means that when your pet has an accident or you spill that glass of red wine, you can rest easy knowing your carpet is up to the task of repelling stains and spills.

  1. Odor-Resistant Carpets
Unpleasant odors can quickly become an issue in homes with pets. That's why we offer contemporary carpets with built-in odor-resistant technology. These carpets not only resist odors but also help maintain a fresh and clean atmosphere in your home. Say goodbye to lingering pet smells with our pet-friendly carpets.

  1. Durability and Comfort
Our pet-friendly carpets are not only tough but also comfortable. We understand that your pets deserve a cozy spot to rest, and our carpets provide just that. You can have peace of mind knowing your pets will be comfortable while your floors remain protected.

  1. Aesthetic Appeal
While protection against pets is crucial, we also know that style matters. Custom Floor Solutions offers a wide selection of contemporary carpets that come in various colors, patterns, and textures, allowing you to find the perfect carpet that complements your home's decor. You can have both a beautiful and pet-friendly living space.

  1. Expert Advice and Installation
At Custom Floor Solutions, we pride ourselves on our commitment to customer satisfaction. We offer free in-home estimates to help you choose the best carpet for your pet-friendly needs. Our team of professionals is experienced in installing carpets with precision and care, ensuring a long-lasting and beautiful result.

  1. Serving Charlotte and Surrounding Areas
We are a small family-run business that understands the needs of the Charlotte community and its surrounding areas. Our showroom in Harrisburg, NC, is a testament to our dedication to providing high-quality flooring and cabinet services to our neighbors. Whether you live in Charlotte, Harrisburg, or the surrounding areas, we are here to serve you.